Hello Neighbor PC

Hello Neighbor PC
In an upcoming horror PC game called Hello Neighbor, you play a character with voyeuristic tendencies. You’re obsessed with sneaking into your suspicious next-door neighbor’s house to see what secrets he’s hiding in his basement, sort of like Tom Hanks in the ’80s film The ‘Burbs. What makes the thriller game fun to play, though, is that your secretive, shady neighbor AI will go after you if he sees you snooping. He even learns from the way you play, taking every mistake you make into account to get better and better at catching you.He’ll install CCTV cameras if you once snuck in from his front door, for instance, and memorize the shortcuts you’d taken while running from him in the past. It’s as if you’re actually repeatedly sneaking into the house of a real person, who’s getting real tired of your antics. You win once you reach your neighbor’s basement and reveal his secret despite all the traps he laid out.

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